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Carmine carnival de Walter Ruhlmann



Succumb to the irresistible mythologies built around the beauty of evil. Surrender to the temptations of the flesh, its vampiric shades, its mouth-watering energy. And submit to the epistolary colour Red: blood, wine, sex, desire, fire...in Walter Ruhlmann’s haunting yet sanguine collection of poetry, CARMINE CARNIVAL.

Pasquale Goldberg, Lazarus Media Publisher





Walter Ruhlmann is a writer and a poet definitely turned toward poetry in the English language, that is to say misunderstood or ignored by French poetry circles that do not like real life poetry maybe, poetry of living a man's life in all its dimensions, with so many of them and so rich by the way, without the need to go and fetch whatever, wherever, that would make it more “poetic”. Walter's pen is wide enough to dig as much beauty in the language as crudeness in the existence. His own existence is his creative soil and he does not hesitate to call a puss a pussy and a dick a dick. Yet, he stands away from the common, self-centered authors. Through his journal mgversion2datura, he, especially but not only, likes and is interested in the others' work, even if it's not always his cup of tea, but his mind reflects his pen: it is wide and open – stinginess being certainly kept for more intimate and rather private pleasures.

Cathy Garcia




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